Oh wow! ive never been this excited b4 this time of the year, no really. this year seems..kinda special. i dunno why. being an avid gamer, ive always followed exciting news like the latest games and also on next gen consoles. yeah...maybe its the mixture of incredibly smashin' new games and the upcoming next gen consoles dat whets my appetite! ps3, xbox 360 and nintendo revolution! oh wow indeed!
Yes im now interested into consoles like never b4. seeing their capabilities with my own two eyes, i can see console gaming merging with the rest of audio/video setup to become the ultimate source of entertainment right in the living room. talking about next gen consoles, ive seen 20 min gameplay vid of elder scrolls oblivion. that piece of vid alone makes me wanna own a 360 once it comes out! and the ps3 after witnessing the game killzone2 in action!!! amazing stuff!!! Here's a gameplay montage unveiled at TGS(Tokyo Game Show) 2005, a look at all the games coming to a ps3 near you!
What makes a next gen gaming u ask? personally, the gorgeous graphics is the most noticeable, duh! and not to mention new gameplay features which u hadnt heard of or played before just bcoz it was hard to realize on current consoles. Next gen now is all about being able to render real-time soft shadows and lighting effortlessly, the inclusion of real-world physics, real-life lookin' textures, game characters dat exhibits a wide range of facial expressions and HDR( High Dynamic Range) lighting that'll hurt your eyes! haha! Here's an article on HDR implemented in the game Half life Lost Coast to check whats the buzz all about.
Let me tell u, some of the ps3 teasers ur seeing, dats NOT the movie rendered beforehand! dats the ACTUAL gameplay itself; blurring the line between cinematic movie and ingame actions! wowie!!! to prove this, you'll still keep your hands off the controller even after the cutscenes are over and complete control are reverted back to u bcoz u wont see the difference really!