Imagine yourself on a tropical island, where the sun is bright, the sea is crystal clear blue, the sands are pure white and the lush vegetation green as they can be. Now give yourself an M16, toss in a few grenades, a couple of mercenaries to play around with and you've got yourself the dream vacation! This is what Far Cry is all about.
Crytek showed a tech demo called X-Isle and it was meant to showcase the power of Geforce3 card. The demo shows you around a dense jungle and dinosaurs. This is the starting point for Far Cry. From a tech demo to a full FPS game. I heard about the game earlier before; the view distance was so long and if you see an island, chances are you can get to it. Pretty cool. Then there's the bad guys reinforcements by helicopters to your location. Now that's scary.
Far Cry does have those and a lot more. The graphics oh so beautiful, coupled with an awesome physics engine to give you those ragdoll physics. The island looks and feels real; i could just turn on the game, go to a quiet spot on the beach and just relax. Cool. And the foliages gives you cover and it's not just for show. The island settings is just what FPS needs, truly a breath of fresh air. There are indoors environments and it just look amazing as well; kinda have that Doom3 look here.
The AI in the game is above average. The mercenaries coordinate their attack military-style if they ever spot you. And if you gun their leader, the rest will scatter around for you to finish them off. They're also good at taking cover, behind rocks and trees. And the best thing about that ragdoll physics is that it is sweet here. This is one game you'll not see the bad guy's body half disappering into the wall like they usually do in other games. The AI's simply superb and a fun to play with.
This game has a very high replay value. Why? You can try so many different ways to approach your objectives. Whether you go in guns blazing or you could take the back route and pick off the bad guys unnoticed (if you've got a silencer). Perhaps that boat will ferry you around the island quicker or maybe take the buggy for a quick spin. But don't ever swim your way to a bad guy because you can't shoot in the water (that's my tip). You can try many kinds of tactics and if that doesn't work, you could try other else. Simply cool!
The story's pretty standard for a FPS. Nothing much here. You'll play through the game fine except if you try the harder difficulties. My advice: just play the game on the normal settings, the bad guys gives you more challenge than you need anyways. Towards the game's end, you'd feel hard-pressured not to swear at the near-impossible chance for survival. It's pretty tough and stupid. This is one game you'll need lots of patience or you could look up some cheats so that you can beat the game and get to see the most pathetic ending, heh! Otherwise the game's a blast to play. Give it a go!
My rating: 9/10 (One of the best looking FPS out there)
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