For starters, Peter Molyneux is one of the most prominent figure in the gaming industry today. He's a game creator. He makes games. He has not only done game programming, but also designing and supporting a couple of games as of lately. The most recent game which has his name in it is the Xbox rpg Fable.'s the PC game Black & White dat i remember him for. and then the classic, Populous way back in 1989. I urge you to chekout ma fren Siva's Peter Molyneux blog. He's soo into Peter rite now...(just kid kay Siva? hehe!)
His latest upcoming game, the Movies is one to look out for. In dat game u'll be managing a movie studio and set it up for shooting. Design your very own studio sets, put up props, assign workmen, prepare costumes and cast actors and actresses! Pick ur theme, create storylines, position ur cameramen and lightman for dat perfect angle and until u know it u're shouting camera! roll! ACTION!
Now isn't this Machinima? Ur making a movie and it's all done in the game itself because the game is really about making movies(?). Why yes it is! Albeit it's machinima maker at your disposal and with intuitive interface all set! It's easy in the sense that you can control the character and order them to do things, a lot like it is with the Sims2 machinima.
There's bound to be machinima about once this game comes out. Not just for people to download and enjoy but it's a really good way to publicise ur game rite? haha sure la. Fancy looking at the game itself? Head on to the game's website for picturesque screenshots! w00t!
28 February 2005
3D modelling is harder than i thought!
I got this's called computer modelling. it's really 3d modelling using 3ds Max and Maya. For my class we're just using 3ds Max. Animations students dabble in both me think. I like watching Toy Story and Monsters inc. because they've got addictively funny characters (great for the lil kids) and it's amazing how they're able to come up with the movies using 3d. I personally like Shrek2 tho. but what piqued my interest in 3d isn't from the movies but, you guessed games.
I found out that they use 3d max to bring the game Prince of Persia to life. the environment in the game are well done with all the minute details. if i've been given a chance to join in the game's development team, i'd be helping the 3d artist. I'd like to do all the little stuff and maybe learn a thing or two in games design. But from the way i'm doing in 3d class, overwhelming interest is just not enuff.
For my first assignment in 3d class, i modelled the playstation controller. It seemed rushed and i didn't put in the details like the X on the button and such. but for my first attempt, im glad by it. Im just glad it looked like a game controller at all!

The second project is the nokia 3230. for this one i tried to put in textures to make it look as realistic as possible. but cramming doing this in just a few days, u can see that i missed out on a lot of details.

So the conclusion here your work early Youze...even if it's bit by bit each day, u'll get the job done in the end, and even have spare time to put in the greater details for the WoW! factor. For the final assignment, im doing an environment. Im not sure what it is yet but i'll let u know once it is done ok? wish me well on this one! study study study!!!!
I found out that they use 3d max to bring the game Prince of Persia to life. the environment in the game are well done with all the minute details. if i've been given a chance to join in the game's development team, i'd be helping the 3d artist. I'd like to do all the little stuff and maybe learn a thing or two in games design. But from the way i'm doing in 3d class, overwhelming interest is just not enuff.
For my first assignment in 3d class, i modelled the playstation controller. It seemed rushed and i didn't put in the details like the X on the button and such. but for my first attempt, im glad by it. Im just glad it looked like a game controller at all!

The second project is the nokia 3230. for this one i tried to put in textures to make it look as realistic as possible. but cramming doing this in just a few days, u can see that i missed out on a lot of details.

So the conclusion here your work early Youze...even if it's bit by bit each day, u'll get the job done in the end, and even have spare time to put in the greater details for the WoW! factor. For the final assignment, im doing an environment. Im not sure what it is yet but i'll let u know once it is done ok? wish me well on this one! study study study!!!!
24 February 2005
A game called Chrono Cross
Chrono Cross is. the. best. rpg. i have ever. played. It's my first true rpg and the first one i've managed to complete. while others cud say that their fave rpg is final fantasy 7 or sumthin', chrono cross changed my life!
to tell you the truth, i got to play chrono cross really by accident. well, technically speaking, my first rpg was an unknown game called Shadow Madness( ashamed). it was to me at the time sooo compelling(i didn't know what to do with the items and powers in the game being a newbie in rpg!) that I got around to the 2nd cd only to find that the cd contains no data. So i exchanged it for chrono cross and boy was it for the better!. Gosh i couldn't imagine playing Shadow Madness which was way way down below in terms of lots of things compared to chrono cross.
I've finished playing chrono cross way back when im still in high skool. You have to admit that the game intro and the music that accompanied it was magical and nothing you had ever seen before! to me the intro itself is enuff to warrant playing it thru to the end! Everytime before i start playing, i would see the whole intro just to get my spirits up! What i liked most about it is the storyline; it's full of adventure and traversing thru different dimensions in the game felt epic. and the characters u meet along the way are all very memorable and delightful. and like most rpgs, the turn based combat is the highlight of the game. next thing u know, you'd end up confronting big, big bosses , like all good rpgs do!
The music is the best i've heard that i got myself an original soundtrack (3cd) that is one of my priced treasure. I used to put it on most of the time; but hearing the same music over and over again, the taste becomes sour. every now n then is ok.
Chrono cross indeed in some way had an impact on my life. was it for the better? i don't know but i hope so. oh cmon on, u guys have your fave rpg that you look upon as an enriching experience rite? Chrono Cross is sooo good that i even got around playing the prequel, Chrono Trigger. Tho i didnt finish playing it, to me both shared the same spirit that is rare in an rpg.
So here it is...all the characters in Chrono Cross adorning my blog left and right. I got the individual chars images and editted them in photoshop so they look like one big happy family! there you have it, my tribute to Chrono Cross; the rpg that influenced my life! haha!
to tell you the truth, i got to play chrono cross really by accident. well, technically speaking, my first rpg was an unknown game called Shadow Madness( ashamed). it was to me at the time sooo compelling(i didn't know what to do with the items and powers in the game being a newbie in rpg!) that I got around to the 2nd cd only to find that the cd contains no data. So i exchanged it for chrono cross and boy was it for the better!. Gosh i couldn't imagine playing Shadow Madness which was way way down below in terms of lots of things compared to chrono cross.
I've finished playing chrono cross way back when im still in high skool. You have to admit that the game intro and the music that accompanied it was magical and nothing you had ever seen before! to me the intro itself is enuff to warrant playing it thru to the end! Everytime before i start playing, i would see the whole intro just to get my spirits up! What i liked most about it is the storyline; it's full of adventure and traversing thru different dimensions in the game felt epic. and the characters u meet along the way are all very memorable and delightful. and like most rpgs, the turn based combat is the highlight of the game. next thing u know, you'd end up confronting big, big bosses , like all good rpgs do!
The music is the best i've heard that i got myself an original soundtrack (3cd) that is one of my priced treasure. I used to put it on most of the time; but hearing the same music over and over again, the taste becomes sour. every now n then is ok.
Chrono cross indeed in some way had an impact on my life. was it for the better? i don't know but i hope so. oh cmon on, u guys have your fave rpg that you look upon as an enriching experience rite? Chrono Cross is sooo good that i even got around playing the prequel, Chrono Trigger. Tho i didnt finish playing it, to me both shared the same spirit that is rare in an rpg.
So here it is...all the characters in Chrono Cross adorning my blog left and right. I got the individual chars images and editted them in photoshop so they look like one big happy family! there you have it, my tribute to Chrono Cross; the rpg that influenced my life! haha!
Movie Magick!
I've been browsing trying to broaden my perception on machinima, and i came about at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Machinima (a portmanteau word for machine cinema and/or "machine" "animation") is both a film genre and a collection of associated production techniques. The term concerns the rendering of computer-generated imagery (CGI) with ordinary PCs and the 3D engines of video games (typically first person shooters) in real-time (on the computer of either the creator or the viewer) rather than offline with huge render farms.
it's good to know that even on a normal pc you could get your hands dirty doing machinima. considering dat some of the best games includes some tools to do this. Half life2 for example, has an interface for demo playback and editing. It gives you the ability to post-produce your demo files; this includes adding fades, changing Field Of View(zooming) and others. and the fact that you'd be able to manipulate the camera via a controllable camera system in some games, no wonder you can come up with spectacular movies!
Machinima (a portmanteau word for machine cinema and/or "machine" "animation") is both a film genre and a collection of associated production techniques. The term concerns the rendering of computer-generated imagery (CGI) with ordinary PCs and the 3D engines of video games (typically first person shooters) in real-time (on the computer of either the creator or the viewer) rather than offline with huge render farms.
it's good to know that even on a normal pc you could get your hands dirty doing machinima. considering dat some of the best games includes some tools to do this. Half life2 for example, has an interface for demo playback and editing. It gives you the ability to post-produce your demo files; this includes adding fades, changing Field Of View(zooming) and others. and the fact that you'd be able to manipulate the camera via a controllable camera system in some games, no wonder you can come up with spectacular movies!
21 February 2005
U cud say machinima is a new kind of media. It’s not entirely new; it’s been on the scene much lately. So what is machinima? Machinima is the art of making movies using game engines. Such game engines are Quake (Quake), Lithtech (No One Lives Forever) and CryEngine (Farcry) to name a few. Imagine a movie using the game engine/the 3d graphics of a game you’ve played; complete with a story, dialog and cinematic angles. It’s just dat!
There are a bunch of machinima’s out there. Check these out for a taste of what’s a machinima:
Red vs Blue
This is a machinima based on the xbox/pc game Halo. This one is quite popular; it’s got witty dialog and stupid jokes. It’s created by the Rooster Teeth Productions. They also did a machinima based on the Sims2 game called The Strangerhood. They’re all there on the site. Go see it, it’s hilarious!
Larry and Lenny on the Campaign Trail
This is the first machinima that I’ve seen out of the lot. And I was quite impressed by it as it used the original Quake engine. This one's done by the Ill Clan. pretty ol' skool if u ask me but dead funny!
A Great and Majestic Empire
Created using the Jedi Knight 2 game engine, this one pays homages to George Lucas' masterwork. Chekitout here.
ATI-Crytek demo
Using the fabulous CryEngine that powers the game, this machinima is somewhat a prelude to the game Far Cry. Hollywood-style machinima!
The best thing about machinima is dat u don’t need actors like in a movie. U don’t have to worry about sets, special effects and all those big budget stuff. U could just grab a copy of a software and you’re off! For entry level requirements are a copy of a suitable game and some video editing software. The more ambitious directors can plunge into the world of coding. At the very least you can start off taking some shots of your games with FRAPS, the real-time video capture utility for games.
Dubbing sound over your clips is a little more tricky but help is at hand. Check out for a machinima toolkit, with lots of hints and tips on how to get started. Take a look at as well.This excellent site has all the latest news and films, and even includes the basic steps that will enable you to make your first film. Hoorah!
There are a bunch of machinima’s out there. Check these out for a taste of what’s a machinima:
Red vs Blue
This is a machinima based on the xbox/pc game Halo. This one is quite popular; it’s got witty dialog and stupid jokes. It’s created by the Rooster Teeth Productions. They also did a machinima based on the Sims2 game called The Strangerhood. They’re all there on the site. Go see it, it’s hilarious!
Larry and Lenny on the Campaign Trail
This is the first machinima that I’ve seen out of the lot. And I was quite impressed by it as it used the original Quake engine. This one's done by the Ill Clan. pretty ol' skool if u ask me but dead funny!
A Great and Majestic Empire
Created using the Jedi Knight 2 game engine, this one pays homages to George Lucas' masterwork. Chekitout here.
ATI-Crytek demo
Using the fabulous CryEngine that powers the game, this machinima is somewhat a prelude to the game Far Cry. Hollywood-style machinima!
The best thing about machinima is dat u don’t need actors like in a movie. U don’t have to worry about sets, special effects and all those big budget stuff. U could just grab a copy of a software and you’re off! For entry level requirements are a copy of a suitable game and some video editing software. The more ambitious directors can plunge into the world of coding. At the very least you can start off taking some shots of your games with FRAPS, the real-time video capture utility for games.
Dubbing sound over your clips is a little more tricky but help is at hand. Check out for a machinima toolkit, with lots of hints and tips on how to get started. Take a look at as well.This excellent site has all the latest news and films, and even includes the basic steps that will enable you to make your first film. Hoorah!
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