I found out that they use 3d max to bring the game Prince of Persia to life. the environment in the game are well done with all the minute details. if i've been given a chance to join in the game's development team, i'd be helping the 3d artist. I'd like to do all the little stuff and maybe learn a thing or two in games design. But from the way i'm doing in 3d class, overwhelming interest is just not enuff.
For my first assignment in 3d class, i modelled the playstation controller. It seemed rushed and i didn't put in the details like the X on the button and such. but for my first attempt, im glad by it. Im just glad it looked like a game controller at all!

The second project is the nokia 3230. for this one i tried to put in textures to make it look as realistic as possible. but cramming doing this in just a few days, u can see that i missed out on a lot of details.

So the conclusion here is...do your work early Youze...even if it's bit by bit each day, u'll get the job done in the end, and even have spare time to put in the greater details for the WoW! factor. For the final assignment, im doing an environment. Im not sure what it is yet but i'll let u know once it is done ok? wish me well on this one! study study study!!!!
nice rendering there man....bout the nokia...i know a guys cheat on the pad.hehehehe
eh, ok sangat ni! this was ur first time using max, kan? u know what, my very first 3ds max model was.. ais krim kon!! buat kon satu. buat bola satu, masukkan separuh bola tu dlm kon tu sket then buat kiub kecik2 duplicate byk2 than teraburkan atas bola tadi. pastu texturekan guna 'earth' yg 3ds max sediakan. hahahahahahahhaah bodoh tak?? tapi masa tu rasa bangga sangatt leh buat keje max. :))
Please update your blog... jangan dok main game memanjang... or dating jer.... pleaseeeee... change your pic!
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