16 May 2005

A new format for my game reviews

Taking the time off from playing games and doing a review is never easy. It's quite a temptation sitting in front of the monitor doing anything but playing games. Though i got caught up surfing the web sometimes. but since my gaming pc is in a state of recess, (my graphics card has gone bonkers for quite some time now and it's been sent to get repaired; i'm hoping they'd replace it with a brand new one instead!) i guess this is as good a time as any to get some reviewing done.

Speaking of reviews, i've decided that for my upcoming game reviews i shall not give it any rating (like 6/10 or 9/10) whatsoever. Instead you will find out whether the game is good or bad based on my writing. If what i'll say about the game is mostly positive, it's a safe bet that you'll enjoy the game if you pick it up. But then again not everyone likes a particular game. I know that most girls can't handle first person shooters (i might be wrong!) and not all can tolerate games that requires much rational thinking that is the puzzle adventure games. So at the end of the review i will point out who should benefit from the game and who should steer clear from it.

Other than that, i will include features/ gameplay design that i notably liked and list down a couple of what's good and what's bad about the game. Hope you'll enjoy my reviews and let me know what you think of it ok? Chow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DUDEEEEEEE>......amir here!!hehe cool blog dude...nak raya umah bleh?